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Illustrated and art directed lapel pin badges for a food fest targeting young food lovers


Insight and Idea:

Youngsters love good food. So much that they take immense pride in being labelled with cool slangs especially if it’s around food. Bhukkhad, Hungroo, Gulp are a few such slangs. I thought of these lingos that young people would love to be associated with. And, illustrated them as lapel pin badges for a food event.

The badges featured cute monsters as they are often associated with the feeling of being hungry. And the design uses illustrations and typography with a bright colour palette. Thus, adding an element of fun and freshness.


These badges were designed for a food fest. The brand would popularise them by running promotional digital posts or banner featuring these badges. And ask people to sign up for the fest either on the event’s website or app to win these collectable monster pins.

HP Print Learn Center - Print Learn Center is a repository of scientifically designed learning worksheets for children of age 3-4 years, 4-5 years etc.


These Christmas printable were designed for kids age between 5-12 years. The idea was colour your Christmas and use it as a decorative wallpaper or poster on a Christmas occasion.

Good Luck Publisher - The book cover was designed for class 1 students. Illustration paint with handwritten typography to give it a and feel.

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