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 Calendar Design 2019



For more than a century now, Hamdard has been committed towards making the natural healing science of Unani available to people across the globe. But while people are wary of the side-effects of strong allopathic medicines, they aren’t

aware that Unani could offer them an effective and more importantly, natural way out.

We were thus assigned the task to let people know of the time-tested science of Unani and its proven track record.




After Effects

Premier Pro


Art Direction

Motion Design

Shoot Handling 




We decided to combine information with utility with an existing asset and tradition that Hamdard has been using for years - the Hamdard Corporate Calendar. Every year it is sent out to thousands of people who proudly display it in their offices and homes, thus enabling thousands more to see it. For 2019, we used this simple utilitarian tool to speak about how Unani is equally effective while being natural. And the best way to tell this story was to use the very same natural ingredients that go into the making of the several products that Hamdard offers.





We told the Unani story by creating stunning visuals with herbs and natural ingredients. The very same ones that go into Hamdard’s products. Over hours and days, as the visuals took shape, roots of Ashwagandha spread branches as the tree of heritage, and Unnab flew high as kites against a rolling horizon of Kalonji. Serving as a daily reminder of how Unani harnesses the power of nature.

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